Get the Facts about COVID Home care and protect all those who are at risk, affected and recovered

4 min readOct 20, 2020


COVID-19 Home Care Simplified
COVID-19 Home care

It may seem like COVID-19 just isn’t going away. It’s a huge challenge, especially when we are still not sure of how people get infected, and what the symptoms are. It is important to take precautions, but it is even more important to separate facts from fiction.

This is why we have put together this simple guide to COVID-19. Just because we have over 60 lakh cases and counting doesn’t mean we can’t combat this disease. Whether you are in the high-risk category, an infected person or recovered from COVID-19, here’s everything you should know.

India’s COVID-19 Statistics

As of 30th September 2020, India ranked as the second most infected nation in the world for COVID-19. On the bright side, we have over 50 lakh people (as of 30/09/20) who have recovered from the virus. In the first week of September, the nation’s death rate dropped to 1.72% from 2.15% (as recorded in August).

That doesn’t mean we should celebrate just yet. Battling COVID-19 requires a holistic approach. We cannot beat it without taking precautions in multiple areas. Here’s a quick look at some necessary precautions you need to take.

People at High Risk

People at high-risk are often those with low immunity. That means senior citizens, young children and those with pre-existing diseases like diabetes. If you fall in that category, here’s everything you should do:

  • Avoid Public Spaces: The first key step is to avoid crowds. Since people can be asymptomatic, there’s no telling who has the virus and who doesn’t. If you really need to go out, try to do so when there is less crowd and social distancing is possible.
  • Sanitise and Wash: Make sure you have an alcohol-based sanitizer handy at all times. Whenever possible, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
  • Wear a Mask: Always wear a mask, covering your mouth and nose at all times. It’s also wise to wear one when people who don’t belong to your household visit you.
  • Disinfect: It’s a good idea to regularly disinfect all the surfaces in your house that you frequently touch. We are talking about sinks, taps, kitchen counters, door handles, and shelves.
  • Isolate if Symptoms Present: Should you, or any member of your household show symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, excessive coughing, etc.) it is wise to isolate yourself immediately and get tested.

If You are Infected with COVID-19

If you have unfortunately been infected with COVID-19, or have symptoms of the virus, there are a few key steps to follow. That way, you can battle the disease easier, and avoid infecting others. The steps to take are:

  • Get Advice: Report your infection to the nearest hospital. They will guide you to the nearest COVID center. Sometimes, home isolation can also be done if the symptoms are not too severe. Remember to get advice from licensed medical professionals. WhatsApp forwards and Google are not always right.
  • Rest: The best way to beat any infection is to rest. Make sure you cut down on screen time and any unnecessary activities. Listen to your body, it will tell you when to log off and sleep.
  • Eat and Drink Right: Ample fluid intake is necessary to fight the infection. Ensure you are constantly drinking warm fluids like water or milk. Avoid anything cold. Also ensure you eat a properly balanced diet, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Your body will need it!
  • Separate Yourself: Isolating yourself is critical, but it is also essential to isolate your belongings. Ensure you use separate dishes, towels, and bedding. Make sure that they are cleaned properly with soap and warm water. It is also wise to disinfect common surfaces like door handles and taps that you share.

Once You Have Recovered

Just because you have beaten COVID-19, doesn’t mean the fight is over. You should remember that just because you test negative, it doesn’t mean your body is completely healed. You will still have fatigue, chest congestion and general weakness for a few weeks.

To boost recovery, some things you can do are:

  • Eat Right: Consume fresh fruit and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Eating steamed vegetables is a great way to regain energy.
  • Drink Warm Liquids: If you are still coughing or having chest congestion, warm fluids help. Drink warm water and almond milk regularly. You should also inhale steam 2–3 times a day to reduce the phlegm.
  • Breathe: Breathing exercises are a good way to clear congestion. You can practice something called active cycle breathing.
  • De-stress: It is good to take up yoga and meditation as they aid in physical recovery. Make sure you do not push your body too much, as that can be counter-productive. If you are feeling weak or unable, stop.

Post COVID-19 Diet

Post COVID recovery diet
Post Covid-recovery diet

As a leader, it may be difficult to protect your team from COVID-19. That’s why we are here to help! Onsurity has a group healthcare plan that comes with health benefits like online medicine and lab tests, group health insurance, and Covid-19 cover. We are keen on keeping your team as healthy as they can be. To see how, visit our website.




Written by Onsurity

Onsurity is a global HealthTech & Employee Benefits organization, disrupting the SME and startup healthcare market with technology and innovation

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